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At Binsted, we use the Phonics Scheme, Essential Letters and Sounds.
Please look at the Oak Class page for the Phonics your children would have covered in Year R and will continue to recap throughout Key Stage 1.
What will my child be learning?
During the first 2 weeks of Autumn Term, your child will be recapping all the sounds taught in Year R.
What will my child be learning?
From week 3, Year 1 children will be introduced to stage 5 Phonic sounds.
Please open the links below and read the example assessments with your child.
Year 1 Phonics Assessment Information
During the Summer Term, Year 1 are assessed in Phonics. During this assessment, the children will be shown a number of words, some of which are real words and some of which are alien words.
This assessment will assess whether the children are are using their phonic knowledge to read a word.
Real Word Examples:
Ship can be segmented into a diagraph and two single sounds: sh + i + p and then blended together to read ship
Church can be segmented into its three digraphs: ch + ur + ch and then blended together to read church
Blead can be blended into two single sounds, a digraph and single sound: b + l + ea + d
Alien Words
Quiv can be segmented into a diagraph and two single sounds: qu + i + v and then blended together to read quiv
Sharch can be segmented into its three digraphs: sh + ar + ch and then blended together to read sharch
Sloit can be blended into two single sounds, a digraph and single sound: s + l + oi + t and then blended together to read sloit
Common Exception Words
Common exception words are words we use frequently and are words where the usual spelling rule doesn't apply.
As children come across unfamiliar spelling and sound patterns in tricky words, their phonics knowledge won't always help them to sound out and read the word; such as the common exception words "sugar", "improve", "climb" and "because".
Year 1 Common Exception Words
Year 2 Common Exception Words
Year 1 and Year 2 Common Exception Words