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Phonics and where we start
For the first few weeks of the Autumn term we focus on Phase One phonics. The activities concentrate on developing children's speaking and listening skills, phonological awareness and oral blending and segmenting.
On week 3/4 we start Phase Two, where we begin to introduce the children to the individual sounds and focus on blending and segmenting.
Phonics Information for Parents
We use the ELS scheme to teach phonics at Binsted School (see the link below for more details). Year R children start at Phase 2 using ELS and then progress through Phase 3 and 4 during their time in Oak Class.
This is a scheme which is supported by the Oxford Owl e-books, as well as the school reading books. Children are given reading books that include the sounds they are currently learning which will help to build their confidence.
Below are some resources to support the ELS scheme - this includes:
What is Blending? Blending is the skill that helps us to read. It involves pushing together the sounds of the letters in the word in order to create the whole world.
f i sh = fish
Children master this skill differently, some just 'get it' quite quickly and others need a lot more input. Practice, practice and practice is key. Our job as adults is to support best we can, as they will get there! Modelling orally how to blend and create a word and how to break a word apart is how to start a child's blending (reading) and segmenting (writing) journey. Once children can blend at an oral level, blending words in print becomes a lot easier (so that means speak like a robot (sound talk) at home sometimes - "Please go and get your c - oa - t" or "Have you seen your m - u - m?" and get your child to do the same.
The other important thing to note is that children do need to know their letter sounds well, otherwise a lot of mental energy is spent working out the sounds and not blending for reading.
For STRATEGIES and ACTIVITIES please see the links below.