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Binsted C of E Primary School


Reading Books

  1. All children should have been given reading books.  We have assessed the reading strategies the children use and their memory of the phonemes (letter sounds, e.g. s, zz, y, ch, nk, ay.)  Some children will have been given books they have already read to build their confidence and other children will have been given new books to challenge them.
  2. Please share books and the written word with your child every day and write it in the reading diary.  You can: listen to your child read to you, read with your child, share the reading, or read to your child. 
  3. What you read does not have to be their school reading book, e.g. reading a comic, road signs, cereal box, instructions for how to play a game, dialogue in an online game.  All reading counts!
  4. It is recommended that children read a book at least 4 times to build up their confidence, fluency and understanding.  Please don't worry if your child has read a book more than once and knows it - repetition is good!  
  5. Books will be changed at least once a week.  More than one book will be brought home.  If you would like more books, please let us know.
  6. Please don't use the reading diaries as a message platform - the children do not always give us their reading diaries and we may not have a chance to check each diary every day.  Please see staff at the beginning or end of the day or phone/email the office.


  • Oak - 91.83%
  • Rowan - 93.31%
  • Beech - 90.68%
  • Silver Birch - 93.01%
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Binsted C of E Primary

Church Street, Binsted, Alton,

GU34 4NX
