Year R Open Mornings for 2025 intake - 18th Sept, 11th Oct, 8th Nov Contact the office to book a tour!
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Binsted C of E Primary School

Silver Birch

Welcome to Silver Birch Class

Welcome Back!  Year 5 and 6 have made a super start to the Autumn term and have thrown themselves in to our new learning with real enthusiasm. Above you will find the yearly overview,  and also the statutory spelling list for Year 5 and 6 . 


Year 5 will have Swimming on Tuesday mornings this term, so please make sure that you are prepared with all that you need for this. As we don't have set PE days, your PE kit will need to be in school every day from the start of term, so please make sure you have this ready and named! It would be a good idea to take this home on a Friday to wash and bring back in for the following Monday. 


A reminder please that children should not be bringing rucksacks in to school as we simply don't have space in the cloakroom and this is causing a trip hazard. Please ensure that PE kits are in a drawstring bag and that book bags are used to ensure that children have enough space to safely hang their belongings in our small school! 



In Science, we will begin by studying how we classify animals and the characteristics of different animals, including humans. In History, we are marching back to Roman times and exploring the creation, success and ultimate downfall of the Roman Empire. In computing, we will be learning how to use spreadsheets to collect, analyse, present and evaluate data. In PSHE we will be continuing with Heartsmart, starting with our introduction topics and making sure we know how to keep ourselves safe and who can keep us safe in school. Our Art topic is Printing, where we will be exploring the work of William Morris and creating our own printing blocks inspired by his work! 


Don't forget to keep your Mental Maths skills sharp on TTRS or Hit The Button. I would also like you to review the Year 5/6 spelling list at the top of the page and see which spellings you need to practise.  Homework will be set on a Friday and will be due in on the following Wednesday. This consists of weekly spellings to practice daily, times tables practice, daily reading and a 30 minute activity once a week. I will usually set these on PurpleMash and TT rockstars, so please let me know if you need log in reminders for these!  Spellings will be tested on a Friday each week. 


If there are any questions please just ask! 

Miss Bunce smiley



Year 5 and 6 Maths Challenges



  • Oak - 91.83%
  • Rowan - 93.31%
  • Beech - 90.68%
  • Silver Birch - 93.01%
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Binsted C of E Primary

Church Street, Binsted, Alton,

GU34 4NX
