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Binsted C of E Primary School

How can I help my child?

Segmenting and Blending

The children are all working so very hard at learning their sounds and #are doing a great job. The next hurdle is blending and segmenting. Some children take to this very quickly and others need more time and daily practice to help them. To give you some ideas of how you could help your child please look at this excellent site. Remember, little and often is best!



Oral Segmenting and Blending

Maths at home


We wanted to just to let you know what our focus is in our maths this term.

In 'Number' our focus is on learning

smiley1 more/1 less

smileySubitising (knowing how many objects are in a small group without needing to count them)

smileyCounting objects and actions confidently to 20

smileyRecalling number bonds to 5

smileyExploring the composition of numbers 0-8. 

It is good to ask your child to tell you 'What they can see' before jumping in with 'How many are there?' We've been doing lots of practice of seeing numbers within numbers, which helps to develop efficient calculating skills (six stones but we may see them according to their position as a '2', '1' and a '3'.)


We strongly believe that children must hold maths in 'their hands before they can hold it in their heads'. So always make it practical, fun and with a purpose. Involve your child in everyday maths; talk about numbers/maths around you. Play lots of games, including ordinary board games, as well as practical ones like 'What's the time Mr Wolf!'.


Below are some ideas for you to do at home

1. Counting steps/stairs/jumps - forwards and backwards

2. Tidying up - how many things can you pick up? Let's pick up 7 things altogether, I'll pick up 4, how many will you pick up then?

3. Laying the table - Fetch 4 spoons etc

4. Count things around us.

5. Sing songs and rhymes together

        Five little men in a flying saucer

        Ten fat sausages

        One, two...caught a fish alive

6. Shopping

7. Books are full of maths - Room on the broom, Hungry caterpilllar, Aliens love underpants and so many more!

8. Board games, eg Snakes and ladders, Orchard toys, Uno, Cards





Develop a LOVE of READING with you child!

"A love of reading opens the door to adventures, learning new things and a whole host of key language skills such as speech development and vocabulary building. Spending time with books also creates special moments for you to bond with your child and enjoy each other’s company." UNICEF


Top tips for fostering a love of books

 - Model what a good reader looks like by reading yourself and also reading to your child

- Take turns reading out loud to each other when sharing books (as your children starts to read this can be as simple as pointing out the letters and words)

- Listen to your child and read books that spark their interest

- Make it a routine

- Visit the library

- Enjoy the time together...snuggle up, discuss the books, reread the books your child loves and have fun!



PLAY together!

Learning through play is essential in the early years and is one of the most important ways in which children learn. It helps the individual child to develop their self worth, strengthens powers of concentration, develops their language skills, their emotions and creativity, social and intellectual skills. 


Below are some ideas that you may wish to do with your child:


smiley Use milk bottle tops for sorting, matching activities or use them for counters in a made up game. Or they could even be turned into bugs!

smiley Cook together...try the 'bbcgoodfood' for inspiration (Pizza, omlette, flatbreads with hummus, quesadillas...the list is endless)
smiley Treasure hunts inside or out (Inside - Find five objects that start with the sound 'a' or find five objects that are smaller than a spoon. Outside - How many different shaped leaves can you find? Use all five senses to find something rough/that makes a noise/that smells nice/that is edible/that is yellow)

smiley Role play - Everyone loves a little 'Let's pretend!'

smiley Make playdough (The Imagination Tree's 'Best Ever No-Cook Playdough' is brilliant!)

smiley Mark make with anything - sticks in the mud, chalk on the patio, a paint brush in the steam in the shower)

smiley Use the recycling for 'Junk modelling'

smiley Spot different sounds and numbers when out and about

smiley Make a den and snuggle up to read some books together

smiley Water play (a washing up bowl, washing up liquid, pots and pans, spoons of different sizes are just as good as anything fancy!)

smiley Draw and paint

smiley Jigsaws, blocks and puzzles

smiley Music, dancing and singing 


Home Learning from school


Once the children have settled into Oak class, they will receive reading books and then key words which will need to be enjoyed and practiced at home. In addition to this, they will receive a phonics book/ditties containing the sounds being learnt in class over the week.

There is an expectation that children read at least 5 times a week and that you take the time to listen to and discuss their reading book with them. Please also practice the key words and phonics sounds being sent home. Remember repetition is key, as is making the practice short and fun!



In addition to the above, it's important to remember the value that physical activity can have, for the body and the mind. So where you can, GET MOVING together!

Gross Motor Skills involve the large muscles of the arms, legs and trunk. Below are some activities for you to try at home...

smiley Dancing

smiley Walk like an animal (Walk like a bear on all fours to bed!)

smiley Homemade obstacle course

smiley Drawing on the ground outside with chalk

smiley Make a Hopscotch game with chalk

smiley Playing with a ball and ball and racket

smiley Gardening

smiley Visit the park and master the monkey bars

smiley Bikes and scooters


Fine Motor Skills involve the use of the smaller muscles of the hands and wrists. Below are some activities for you to try at home...

smiley Peel and place stickers 

smiley Make a necklace using string and penne pasta 

smiley Create a mosaic by ripping and crumpling paper

smiley Make playdough

smiley Sort coins, beads or buttons

smiley Engage in Puzzles

smiley Help hang the washing out using pegs!!!!!

smiley Use a hole puncher for art activities

smiley Play with lego





  • Oak - 91.83%
  • Rowan - 93.31%
  • Beech - 90.68%
  • Silver Birch - 93.01%
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Binsted C of E Primary

Church Street, Binsted, Alton,

GU34 4NX
