Happy Summer Holidays - We wish our leavers much happiness in their new schools. Thank you for all of your cards, gifts and well wishes.
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Binsted C of E Primary School


Bread Making


The children had a brilliant time designing and making their own bread. 

End of Term Arrangements 


I can't believe it is the last week of term. Please read below as this week will be slightly different for the children.


Tuesday - AM - Trip - Long trousers and school jumpers or cardigans please. Also please can the children bring a water bottle.  


Wednesday - AM - Bread making - We will provide the ingredients. If you want to bring an apron that is fine. 

PM - PE and board game afternoon. Please can the children bring in a board game to play with their friends. It is advisable to put their name on it. No electronics please! 


Thursday - AM - Bring your teddy to the movies! The children have chosen to have a movie morning with their teddies. The children are welcome to bring a teddy of their choice from home. The movie will be a U rating movie. 

PM - Picnic and rounders tournament with Silver Birch. Please bring a packed lunch and ensure your child has a PE kit in school. 


Friday - AM - Leavers Service 

PM - Picnic 


Thank you so much for your support! 





Due to the production next week, homework is to ensure you know all your lines. There is also no spellings as the children will be in school two evenings next week. 

Alton Arts Weeks Garden Project 


Thank you so much for your lovely insect models. they have now been transported to site of Anstey Park and assembled. 

Taster day at Eggars for year 4 and 5 

Salt dough 


We have made salt dough to practice our dough shapes so that we can repeat our favourites when we make our own bread. 

Ceramic Tiles 


We were delighted to take delivery of our ceramic tiles which we designed after our trip to Blacknest with Bridget. We were so grateful that Bridget also gave us a tile to keep as a momento of our trip.

Homework and Spellings 


Homework and spellings are on PurpleMash this week !

Trip to Blacknest and Ceramic workshop 


We had a wonderful morning at Blacknest looking at the species of plants and animals we can find there. The children loved spotting butterflies, spiders, lizards, and even saw a slow worm. In the afternoon we came back to work with an artist who helped us paint our sketches so they can be transferred to tiles. 



Tower Power 2024

Jordan is on his way and can be tracked on the link below 



Please note that spellings are being sent home in reading logs this Friday as we have been doing some dictation sentences in Spelling, therefore these spellings are personalised to you child and represents the errors they made. The dictations will be repeated next Friday once the spellings have been learnt. I have also sent some an entry seat for a Poetry competition, please could your child draft their poem on a separate piece of paper before writing up onto the entry sheet. An online lesson is available on the link below.  Please return your entry by next Friday so I can send it off.


Many thanks. Miss Dewey 

Mayan Museum 

Change to trip. 


Due to headteachers interviews the planned trip to Blacknest on Friday has been moved to 10th May. 





Poetry Competition

Wow! Its the last term of this academic year!


Doesn't time fly when you are having fun! This half term we are going to be looking at Mental Health in English. We also have a new topic in History, - which is still top secret as I am hoping the children can guess the time period using sources. In Science we will be grouping and classifying animals. On the 19th April we will be going to Blacknest for the morning to look at the species of animals and plants which have made it their home. In the afternoon we will have an art workshop to develop some art work to be shown at the Allen gallery in Alton. I'm looking forward to seeing what the children can produce!


Homework will be set as normal. If you are in Year 4 keep practising on TT rockstars ready for the tables check in June!


See you all on Monday!

Don't forget about the SPRING CHALLENGE set for you to do during the Easter holidays...

Welcome back after half term! 


I hope you had a great half term. This half term we are going to be looking at Sound in Science, Biomes in Geography and Multiplication and Division in Maths. We are also going to be exploring Poetry in English. PE is now going to be on a Wednesday and Friday so please can you make sure you have a PE kit in school on these days! 


Homework will be set on a Friday on Purple mash just like last half term. 


Miss Dewey 

TT Rockstars Battle of the Bands 


Well done to the girls who won this battle! Harry and Alba were the most valuable players for their gender and Callan and Jessica were close behind them! Well done to our two rock stars!!!



Happy New Year! 


I really hope you have had a wonderful Christmas. We have made a flying start in Beech class. In Maths we have been practising formal subtraction and counting in tens through 100. In English we have been practising using fronted adverbials and conjunctions to improve our sentences. This term we are going to be learning about the Saxons in History. In English we are going to be reading Anglo-Saxon Boy by Tony Bradman. In Science we are going to be learning about the Digestive System including teeth. We are really starting to increase our rehearsal time for Young Voices also. 


PE will continue to be on Wednesday and Thursday, however as we will be working with Silver Birch to prepare for our Gymnastics competition we may do PE on other days also therefore PE kids need to be in every day. Homework and spellings will be set on a Friday as usual, and due in the following Wednesday. Unless I send anything home then this will be set on Purple Mash. Please also continue to do 10 minutes daily on TT rockstars (there is a battle currently taking place!) and 10 minutes reading daily also. 


Looking forward to the term ahead!

Such a busy week in Beech Class!


We have had such a busy week in Beech Class. On Monday we had a DT day, where the children had to design and make a flood proof house for communities living on a island. Each group had a different community to cater for, who also had different skills and materials available within their communities. It was such good fun and I was really impressed with the problem solving skills the children displayed. We then flooded them in our class assembly and to our amazement they all 'Beat the flood'



DT Day - Beat the Flood

We have also had an RE day, where we had a visitor, Ruth Gill the Children's Pastor at Above Bar Church, Southampton. We learnt all about the Trinity and its significance in Incarnation. The children then interviewed Ruth about what the Trinity means to her. 

Play in a Day


On Friday we took part in a 'Play in a Day' where we learnt a play called 'The Present' in our house teams. We had to practice our parts, make our props and costumes and perform to our parents all in one day! Thank you to Alba's Mum and Phoebe's Mum for helping us!

Owl Pellets 


We had an amazing week in Beech Class. We have been writing information texts about flooding using paragraphs to organise our writing. We have also been continuing with our addition and subtraction topic in Maths. We learnt about the lines of Longitude and Latitude using globes and atlases. 


In science we took a break from our light topic to dissect owl pellets. It was amazing what we found and the children were absolutely amazed and Miss Dewey loved hearing the gasps of amazement from within the classroom. 



Welcome back Beech class!


Welcome back to the second half of the autumn term. It has been a rather strange start to the half term. This half term we will be moving on to Addition and Subtraction in Maths and in English we are going to writing our own magazine articles about flooding and the importance of natural flood defences such as the Wetlands we visited before half term. In Geography we are going to be looking at locational global geography such as the location of the poles, the significance of the equator and why we have time zones. In Science we are going to be looking at Light, and in RE we we will be asking the question - What is the Trinity? On a Friday afternoon, we will be continuing with our STEM project for the Eco-Triathlon. All the Knowledge Organisers are under the header at the top of the page. 


PE days remain Wednesday and Thursday and homework will still be set on a Friday and due in the following Wednesday. Please remember to do 10 minutes of reading, 10 minutes of TT rock stars or times tables practice and 10 minutes of Spelling practice every day. I will be posting homework on to the website also.


Miss Dewey 

What a crazy few weeks!


We have been so busy in Beech class over the last few weeks. We have been looking at solids, liquids and gases in Science and the children have also been looking at the importance of Peace for Buddhists. The children related this to their own lives and we wrote about times when we found Peace, whether that be when reading or in Church. 


Children have been working hard on their TT rockstars battles. Year 4 children also have an additional task to complete on TT rockstars. When your child log on they will be asked to complete the OUMTC (Officially Unofficial Multiplication Tables Check), this will help them prepare for the Multiplication Table Check which they will do in the Spring. Please can you ensure your child completes this by 20th October. 


We have a busy few weeks ahead too. Harvest Festival, the disco, the whole school trip to Arundel Wetlands Centre and also the house team mental health day tomorrow. Tomorrow, children can wear comfy clothes which they can exercise in. 

Butser Ancient Farm Trip 


We had a great trip to Butser Farm as part of our Stone Age to iron Age Topic. The weather held off until just before we left so we managed to fit in some really lovely activities including wattling, chalk carving and pottery. We also enjoyed a site tour and were able to go into the stone age and bronze age houses. It was a very memorable day. 


Wow! What a week!


What a week we have had in Beech class! We have been continuing with our stone age to iron age topic, introducing new terms such as Neolithic and Mesolithic. We have also been writing about our class text Stone Age Boy. In guided reading we had a debate asking the question - Is it ok to eat meat? The children offered some really good reasons for all their opinions and debated in a very respectful way, taking it in turns to talk and respecting others point of view. We have had lots of visitors to Beech class this week and all of them commented how lovely and friendly the children were. I am very proud of them all. One of the visitors was Jordan Whylie MBE, extreme adventurer, author and TV personality who launched our new Eco project - Tower Power 2024. 


Next week we have our school trip to Butser. At the moment it looks like we might have some rain so please dress suitably for the weather including a waterproof coat. As a result of the trip we will have no PE on Wednesday but we will do PE in Thursday. 


We are looking forward to a quieter week in Beech class this week! 





PE days will be Wednesday and Thursday. Please note..... Children need to come into school in uniform, bringing their kits and getting changed IN school. Boys and girls will change separately. 


PE Kit is as follows:


A named P.E. Bag

Plain white non baggy tee-shirt

Plain black or red football shorts or cycling shorts

Plain Tracksuit (bottoms and jumper/sweatshirt)




Many Thanks


Miss Dewey  




Welcome back Beech class!!!


It is so exciting to start the new term in our new classroom! I really hope you have all had a wonderful summer holiday and you are rested and excited for year 3 and 4! It was lovely to see the wonderful postcards sent to school over the summer holidays and to also see some lovely Summer Challenge homework pieces coming in. 


This half term we are going to be learning about the Stone age to Iron Age period and we will be reading Stone Age Boy in English, in preparation for entering BBC 500 words later in the term. In Maths we will be beginning with Place Value, before moving on to Addition and Subtraction. In RE we are going to be looking at the concept of Peace and how this is significant in the Buddhist tradition. In Art we are going to be looking more closely at Stone Age cave paintings and how we might create art work in the same style. We will also have a trip to Butser Ancient Farm. Those of you who know me well will know I cant start the term without some exciting eco news, so watch this space for updates!!!


Homework will be set as last year on a Friday and will be due in the following Wednesday. I have set up TT Rockstar account for all the children (see link above) and a letter was sent home on the first day with up-to-date logins. Times table homework will be set on this from now on so please log on and practice when you can. This particularly important if you are in Year 4. We have some exciting times table battles coming up - the first one starting this Friday! Boys Vs Girls!!!


Spellings will be common exception words, which are posted above and you will have 8 to learn each week from the list so please practise at home. We will be focusing on Year 3/4 spelling rules in school :-)


As always if you have any questions or concerns please catch me on the playground, email or call the office. 



Miss Dewey 







  • Oak - 91.83%
  • Rowan - 93.31%
  • Beech - 90.68%
  • Silver Birch - 93.01%
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Binsted C of E Primary

Church Street, Binsted, Alton,

GU34 4NX
