- Weekly Newsletter - 10th February 2025 10th February 2025
- Weekly Newsletter - 3rd February 2025 3rd February 2025
- Weekly Newsletter - 27th January 2025 27th January 2025
Reading and Phonics
Please, please remember the importance of having a regular time to snuggle and share stories, read your child's reading book with them and revisit the sounds for their phonics book. This time at home with you really does make a significant impact on their progress. In addition to the children’s reading books, we will also be sending home words for the children to learn to read by sight. You will be able to find more information on our phonics page
Literacy Focus
We will be enjoying ...
'Drawing Club' - where we will be introducing the children to exciting new books and vocabulary and encouraging their love for language and mark making/writing as they consider the characters, settings and adventures from the story. There is always an exciting, and quite often funny, 'code' that happens too!
'Story, Music and Rhyme Time' - where the children will be introduced to different nursery rhymes, poems and stories.
'Helicopter Stories' - where the children will choose to make up their own stories and the teacher acts as scribe. The whole class then becomes involved with the 'author' to act out the story together!
'Cosy Club' Reading Books
Each half term we will choose books to focus on reading and enjoying with the children.
By focusing on a collection of books we can allow the children to understand the books in real depth; they will learn new vocabulary, be able to predict what comes next and really engage in the story giving them confidence in their early reading skills.
Autumn 1 Books
Twinkle Twinkle Chocolate bar Poetry
The Colours of us - Karen Katz
Clumsy Crab - Ruth Galloway
The Best Me - Marvyn Harrison
Little Explorers Dinosaurs
The Dot - Peter Reynolds
Woolly Jumper, The story of wool
We're Going On A Bear Hunt - Michael Rosen
A World For Me And You - Uja Asika
The Colour Monster - Anna Llenas
Autumn Books 2
Chicka Chicka 1.2.3. - Bill Martin
Grandpa's Garden - Stella Fry
I Took The Moon For A Walk - Carolyn Curtis
We All Went On A Safari - Laurie Krebs
Driving My Tractor - Jan Dobbins
The Dress In The Window - Robert Tregoning
What Happened To You - James Catchpole
Traction Man Is Here - Mini Grey
Hats Of Faith - Medeia Cohan
Nursery Rhymes
Each week we will introduce the children to a new nursery rhyme. Please share and enjoy these together!
This weeks nursery rhyme is...
(These are just a few that we may look at...)