- Weekly Newsletter - 10th February 2025 10th February 2025
- Weekly Newsletter - 3rd February 2025 3rd February 2025
- Weekly Newsletter - 27th January 2025 27th January 2025
Pupil premium is specific additional Government funding, provided to schools to support the education of pupils who are entitled to Free School meals both currently or in the last six years.
Governors and staff allocate how the funding is used and this is reviewed termly throughout the financial year.
Each term, The Senior leadership Team hold Pupil Progress meetings with teachers to review how each class is performing. This includes a detailed discussion about pupils who are eligible for Pupil Premium funding; the impact of targeted, additional support; progress versus attainment and next steps for development.
Breakdown of funding
To protect the anonymity of children and families we do not publish itemised details and costs, however, we have included a breakdown of some of the ways we support our pupils.
"X has made considerable progress. School has been the one ‘constant’… It has given her confidence to believe in herself and her ability."
"Thank you for all your help…we have noticed an improvement in her motor skills. She seems really happy and enjoys School."
"I am really pleased with how well I have done in my SATs, I never thought I’d get such good results, I feel proud of ‘what I did’."
"I think that I am much better at making friends and talking to adults."
" I like having breakfast at school"
"I like Mrs Benwell helping me" (ELSA)