We are recruiting for an exceptional TA for our Key Stage 1. Please see our vacancy page for more information
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Binsted C of E Primary School

How can I be involved?

All families are automatically members of FOBS when their child joins our school. It is a really fun way for both you and your children to get involved in school life, outside of the classroom!

The Committee is always looking for new members – whether officially (taking on an elected role such as Chair, Treasurer, Secretary or Year Group Rep), or as a Non-elected 'helper member’ who is able to regularly come to meeting and support events.


If we are not able to fill these positions at our Annual AGM, we are afraid that FOBS will no longer be able to support the school financially or through the fun activities we run for the families at the school.

Other ways you can help and support your child through FOBS are:


  • Suggesting new event ideas.
  • Saying YES to a ‘call for help’ with the planning, setting up or running a stall at an event.
  • Coming along to the events we organise – and bringing your friends, family and neighbours too!
  • Letting us know whether your previous or current job can be useful with our fundraising goals.
  • Baking cakes & donating items.
  • Signing up to and looking out for ‘Free Ways to Fundraise’ schemes.
  • Give a monetary donation to FOBS via our Fundraising Website, by clicking here Donation Link


  • Oak - 91.83%
  • Rowan - 93.31%
  • Beech - 90.68%
  • Silver Birch - 93.01%
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Binsted C of E Primary

Church Street, Binsted, Alton,

GU34 4NX
